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Cranbury Construction Update

Posted Date: 05/09/2022

Please bookmark this page to stay updated about the brand new Cranbury Elementary School.

Cranbury Parents Presentation: New Parking Procedure

Click Below to View the Presentation


  • PHASE I 

    • Build new school - May 2022 through July 2023


    • Demolish old school - July 2023 through December 2023


    • Finish fields/exterior - April 2024 through June 2024


  • We will no longer have access to our field as of 5/9/22.  

  • Recess will take place on and near the kindergarten playground.

  • Students can use the playground equipment

  • We will re-evaluate after June 2022 


  • Our safety plan has been reviewed and approved by the norwalk fire department.

  • We identified alternate routes to evacuate the building and ensure the safety of the school community.


  • Parking will be a challenge for two years

  • The tennis court lot will no longer be available on 5/9/22.  

  • Staff parking will be in the main and side lots.  

  • There will likely be no parent parking available through at least 6/17/22.

  • Parents can use the main driveway for quick stops


  • Riding the school bus is strongly encouraged.

  • Pick up will no longer take place at classroom doors.  

  • Pick up cars will make two lanes in front of the gym

  • Family parking tags are placed in the windshield

  • Students will be escorted out of the Gym to the waiting cars.

  • Walkers/walking pick ups will exit out the main entrance.  


  • 3:10-3:25

    • Kindergarten through Second Grade

  • 3:25-3:40

    • Third through Fifth Grade

  • Older siblings will leave with younger siblings


  • Schedule early dismissals prior to 2:30 

  • After the bell participants are not impacted

  • Arrival will stay the same … parents will use loop

  • Buses will arrive from Field Street and queue on the school side of Knowalot

Frequently Asked Questions


  • When will the project start?
    • Contractors will be on site 5/9 to begin surveying. 
    • Construction fencing will go up 5/16.
  • Where will the fence go?
    • The construction fence will be 6’ tall with a scrim to reduce dust.  It will be placed around the site of the new building which is located on the current baseball field.
  • What about dust?
    • It is recommended that classroom windows in the C wing are kept closed once digging begins (in June) to reduce potential dust and noise. 
    • All classrooms currently have hepa filters. 
      • The hepa filters and air conditioning filters/coils will be checked weekly and replaced or cleaned as necessary. 
    • Water trucks will be on site to spray as necessary.  
  • What about the path from Grumman Ave. to the school?
    • This path will be temporarily closed. 
    • It will reopen after the project is completed.  
  • Will students have recess?  Where?
    • Students will have access to the primary playground, basketball hoop, and the adjacent field on the “right” side of the building.  
  • What happens in the event of an emergency?
    • The emergency plans have been reviewed and approved by the Norwalk Fire Department. 
    • Everyone in the building has ample room to exit as necessary.  
  • How will construction staff be identified and what are the safety expectations?
    • Construction staff will wear bright yellow or green vests and hardhats. 
    • They will work only within the construction fence. 
    • All construction staff will receive a detailed site orientation. 
    • The construction team has successfully worked on other projects in district.


  • What if I need to pick my child(ren) up during the school day?  Where do I park?
    • If there are no spots in the main parking lot, you may temporarily park in the bus lane as long as you are stopping at the front door and can quickly get to your car in the event of an emergency.  
  • What happens if I want to pick up but don’t have a parking pass?
    • Not to worry!  If you know in advance, you can request a pass and we’ll send one home. 
    • If you do not get one in advance, you can write your child(ren)’s last name on a sheet of paper and display it through your car window.  
  • What if I want my child to go home with another family?
    • Please be sure to send in a written note to your child’s teacher. 
    • If you regularly carpool, families can display both names.  
  • What about parking for school events?
    • We will have a shuttle bus available for school events such as Promotion and Open House.
  • What if my child walks home or someone walks to pick my child up?
    • Walkers and walker pick ups will exit out the main entrance.  

Introducing the brand new Cranbury Elementary School!

Click Here to View Presentation

Please note these are the plans as of 9/27/21 and are subject to change.